Wookiee Life Day

November 17 is Life Day, a Wookiee holiday celebrating friends and family. Traditionally, Wookiees would dress in red robes, carry glowing orbs, and attend a celebration at the Tree of Life.
Life Day was introduced in the 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special, which is infamous for being really terrible. The television special stars the main cast of the first Star Wars film, and it introduces both Chewbacca’s family and the bounty hunter Boba Fett for the first time.
As horrible as it is, it has become a popular cult classic. The special was never rebroadcast, and it was never released on home video . . . officially. What copies do exist are primarily from bootleg home recordings that have been sold at conventions, eventually working their way to modern content-sharing websites like YouTube.
Can you stand to watch the entire Star Wars Holiday Special? Let’s find out!
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