Winning the Battle and Pressing Forward

I’ve been battling a cold for the past week, suffering through constant headaches, dizziness, clogged sinuses, and drowsiness. Despite it all, I’ve managed to push forward.
A few days ago, I managed to start on a new paper model. I’m having some problems with it, but that’s most likely due to my lack of focus. So, instead of becoming frustrated with it and tossing the whole thing out, I work on it a little at a time, and try to approach it from a fresh perspective the next time. That’s a good tip for any artists out there.
I also need to get some stuff sent to the Walt Disney Internet Group, but the only authorized DHL shipper in town moved. The map and address taped to the store’s window was so poorly xeroxed that it couldn’t be read. There are a couple of alternative shipping sites available, but they’re a small drive away. With this cold, I’m not exactly motivated to go anywhere outside of town at the moment. Sigh.
In the meantime, I’m looking forward to both the new Indiana Jones movie and the Indiana Jones shows at Disneyland. I won’t be able to make it down there this summer, but I’m sure a ton of videos will pop up on YouTube.
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