WALL·E & Stitch

Since we’re on the subject of paper models, there’s a WALL·E model available. Unfortunately, it really isn’t up to par to be added to the Disney Experience. What I’m really waiting for is the completion of Rebostar’s WALL·E, which is more accurate and far more detailed. I don’t think Rebostar has worked on the model for some time, and I’m getting antsy for just some sort of update on the project. If something doesn’t happen, I may decide to do my own WALL·E model.
I generally try to avoid creating models that others have made or are creating unless I know I can do a better job. Becky is working on a beautiful Cinderella Castle, so that model has been crossed off of my design list. And, of course, Ray Keim has designed all of the Haunted Mansions, so I don’t have to touch those (whew!).
There’s also a Stitch model floating around in cyberspace, but again, it really isn’t up to par. It may be added if I ever get desperate for new material, but I still have a long line of my own models to release (and a long list of future models).
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