Version 20 (sorta)

Oh, happy day; the site revamp is here! And, it’s about a week ahead of my estimated release schedule. Although this is technically version 20, it’s not. At least, not to you. There are other versions that I’ve designed but never released.
This time around, I’ve focused on simplification and ease or use. Some pages may even be too simple for my tastes, but they work well for the time being.
Bugs. Imperfections. Incompleteness (is that a word?). They’re all around, and they’re being worked on. Work just got to a point where I needed to have a fully-functioning site to continue putting everything together. Hang in there while things get sorted out; there are some new features that I have yet to roll out.
New features. To start, you’ve no doubt noticed a new home page with a simplified menu, quick links to popular areas, and flashy, animated ads. To those of you who were hoping for a splash page, sorry. That’s gone the way of the dodo.
I took a cue from one of my favorite websites, the Iconfactory, and created 86 new preview pages for the icon sets. Click on a thumbnail or title, and you’ll be whisked away to a dedicated page where you can view large icon previews as well as what’s included with the set.
The navigation menu has been re-designed and color coded. It will also be getting tweaked in the coming days.
The last headache to tackle will be the new search software, which will have to be seamlessly integrated.
Looks great to me bruddah! I love the new logo! It’s very stately but at the same time unpretentious. It just says to me “C’mon, let’s have fun!”
Very nice! It may not be the finished (to you) version but it looks great!
Thanks. It has been mentioned that the colors are a little bland (blue on blue), to which I agree; the color scheme is a bit sterile (it reminds me of hospitals when I was a kid). This is one thing that really can’t be tested until it is seen in its working state. I am already making some color changes.