Still Alive

I’m still alive. I’ve been working on rebuilding the new Sleeping Beauty Castle model. I had to order some LED lights, so I’m waiting on those. In the meantime, I will be working on the landscaping. The tricky part is figuring out what to use as water—yes, there will be a moat.
I’ve been searching the Internet and hobby forums, and two widely used products are recommended: Realistic Water and Magic Water. Realistic Water has been reported to yellow, fog, crack, and shrink. Magic Water is reported to not do this, but it’s pricey. Other folks use other resins found in hardware stores, though their quality is unknown. Still, others simply paint on several layers of clear acrylic glaze. But, I want thickness (1/4 inch deep), which scatters the light.
I’m thinking of toying with clear stained glass gel. I couldn’t find anyone using this cheaper alternative, so I may give it a shot. One thing I want to recreate is the look of Disneyland’s dark water system (murky green), so I’ll have to play with pigments. I used the gel in one of my High School art classes many years ago, and it did look like the surface of water.
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