Star Wars Week, 2019: Day 5

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 The Disney Experience  |  May 5, 2019

Star Wars Day Logo

Let’s continue celebrating Star Wars Week by doing a DIY Death Star globe or two. Here are 4 different globes that you can create right in your own home—no stormtrooper army, Imperial fleet, or slave labor force required.

1. Death Star Globe

Death Star Globe

Take an ordinary garage sale globe and turn it into a Death Star globe. Can you imagine Darth Vader or Emperor Palpatine using one of these to navigate their way around the Death Star?

2. Chalkboard Death Star Globe

Chalkboard Death Star Globe

This chalkboard Death Star globe is probably the coolest (the partially-completed Death Star was always the coolest). It’s an easy and attractive way to display the “Return of the Jedi” Death Star without having to fiddle with tiny internal components. And, it’s a great way to show off your artistic skills; be as precise or abstract as you like.

3. Floating Death Star

Floating Death Star

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Okay, maybe we spoke too soon. This floating Death Star is probably the coolest. It floats, it lights up, and it even has a tiny super star destroyer (just to the left of the Death Star in the pic). Oh, and it has lasers! A Death Star isn’t a Death Star without lasers. Pew! Pew!

4. Death Star Disco Ball

Death Star Disco Ball

There ain’t no party like a Death Star party! Show your party guests just how big of a light show the Death Star can make with this Death Star disco ball. The one featured here is just a tiny one, but who’s to stop you from making a full-size disco ball. C’mon, party like it’s the end of the world!

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