Retiring the “Disney Magic Awards”

We are announcing the official retirement of our “Disney Magic” Awards. All links and pages associated with them have been removed from the Disney Experience.
We’ve been doing a lot of behind-the-scenes sprucing up of the website lately, and we came to the realization that the “Disney Magic” Awards really don’t have much relevance in today’s World Wide Web. When we started out 20 years ago, website awards were big; they could be found everywhere. The days of websites validating other websites through award banners is over; it’s the users—the public, the fans—who say what websites are worthy of praise. And, rightly so!
Today, it’s much more about word of mouth across social media. Loyal fans follow their favorite websites through RSS, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, etcetera. If a website is deemed worthy, a banner or button may be added to third-party websites at the owners’ sole discretion. But, mostly, it’s the public’s power. It always has been.
And, hey! If you think we’re worthy, we have banners and buttons for your website. Just sayin’.
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