Of Castles and Paper

Yeah, I know: it’s been far too long. These submissions are from March and April.
I do have plans to get back up to speed. Well, maybe a moderate speed, but it’s better than what we were doing before. Things are moving.
I actually worked on the Disneyland Paris Sleeping Beauty Castle today. Yeah, your minds are blown, right!? It’s been nearly a year since I last worked on it. With a tad more work, the pieces (71 pages in all) will be finished, and I can begin on the illustrated instructions. This means that I will be updating the “Designing a Paper Model” section on my portfolio site if you’d like to follow along.
Before you ask, no, I don’t know when I’ll be finished. But, I do think I have a way to make up for the long wait.
That ta these? Lei something on a few problems of health with the teeth, I hope that everything you is OK (pardon for the language).
Excuse me for being weighed, but me gustaria to know when approximately estara available the castle disney paris. Estaria for September / October?
Thank you very much
First of all, congratulations for your paper models! I think they’re amazing! You’re a great artist!!
I’m student of Medicine and I’m horrified with what the dentists have done to your mouth! I’m from Spain, so here the legal things go in another way but thats negligency, as Becky says. You don’t have to pay anything. In fact, they should pay you because all the damage done. If those teeth hadn’t to be pulled and you specified that only wisdom teeth had to be removed, that’s their fault, not yours, although who is paying the consecuences is you. I recomend talking with them before any payment is done.
Anyway, I hope your jaws are better and the pain had disapeared!
Thanks for the compliments.
Physically, there is no damage. The extra teeth pulled were quite literally extra teeth, and they prevented proper cleaning of my regular teeth. The only damage done is money-wise. Of course, the dentist could always claim that he felt it was absolutely necessary, and the required papers that I signed gives him permission to do whatever he thinks is necessary during the procedure even if it means that I have to pay extra. I still haven’t paid them, so we’ll see how this goes down.
And, yes, the pain that I’ve had since October of last year is completely gone, so that’s a plus!
Wow, October? That’s a long time for a toothache!
Well, I didn’t know that it was a toothache. I didn’t know what it was. None of my teeth or gums hurt, even when rubbing and lightly tapping them. The pain felt like it was in my jaw. A closer inspection with a small mirror (the kind dentists use), I discovered the my top two wisdom teeth had large holes. Not good. In fact, my x-rays showed that they were completely hollow.
There’s been a history of bad wisdom teeth in my family, on my mother’s side. I’m just another casualty. I’m just glad the pain is gone, and that I can eat again. I want a ham grinder now. Mmmmm . . .
Wisdom teeth, especially the bottom ones, cause pressure on the arteries and nerves that can cause all kinds of pains that are hard to pin down and tie to anything in particular.
One of my lowers exploded, what a wonderful experience that was! (I have it in a little box) The good thing was after they came out my Basilar Migraines went into remission. I still get headaches, but not the deaf, dumb, blind and half paralyzed kind I had before.
Pardon for the language but I am Spanish. Congratulations, your designs are amazing and magic. You are an artist!. Your model me to trasportado to disneyland Paris and me to thrilled. I am anxious for contruir my own castle. Do estara list to come out for September? Thank you very much
Just as I get a nice respite to be able to work on the paper model, I’m tossed more work. So, the instructions are on hold again.
Hey! How are your jaws?
Very well, thanks for asking. Now, I’m going to vent.
The day I had my teeth pulled, I sat on the couch all afternoon and a good part of the evening. I was waiting for the local anesthetic to wear off, and I was preparing myself for a world of pain. Not only did the anesthetic last through 6pm (I was numbed at 9:30am), but there was no pain. Lucky me. There was some minuscule aching the next day, then some tenderness and swelling about a week later. But, nothing worth noting as real pain.
Eating wasn’t fun. I had my four wisdom teeth removed, so I couldn’t chew food with my back teeth. But, I also had two extra teeth (literally extra teeth) that were removed from the front, so I couldn’t chew or bite there, either.
I’m a little miffed at the dentist, though. When I made the appointment, I specifically said that I only wanted the four wisdom teeth removed. When I pre-paid for the procedure (I wanted to be able to just leave immediately after the pulling), I was shown a full sheet of all of the charges. Written across the front, in large, red marker, and underlined, were the words “wisdom only.”
After the procedure, it dawned on me that something wasn’t right. I asked the technician, who had assisted the dentist, for a sheet of paper and a pen (I couldn’t speak). I promptly asked how many teeth were pulled. She said, “Six.” I told her that only the wisdom teeth were to be pulled. She gave me a wide-eyed stare. I flip the piece of paper over, and guess what I had been writing on the back of? It was the sheet that had the big, red writing! I pointed to both the big, red text, and the final price that had been circled. The technician alerts the treatment coordinator.
Bottom line, I’m told there’s nothing they can do about it, so I’m stuck having to pay for two additional tooth pullings.
I’m always asked why I didn’t stop the dentist, but things were against me. First off, my entire mouth was numb. I could hear cracking and feel pressure, but that was about it. I had no idea what was being done, what tools were used, etcetera. I never even saw the teeth. Since it was my first time having anything extracted, I didn’t know what to expect, and I had a lot of anxiety. I just stared at the ceiling, trying to let my mind wander off somewhere else. If I had been paying more attention, I may have been able to stop the dentist.
Well, that’s a crock of crap. You specifically made it clear before the procedure started, it was made clear on the instructions, you talked with the dentist when you were planning the procedure, I’m sure there’s more you could think of… Bottom line? You’re not responsible for the dentist’s mistakes. Pulling teeth you didn’t want pulled could be classified as assault or at least extreme negligence. You’re the victim, don’t pay for services you didn’t want.
I’ve had teeth pulled before, I know what you mean about trying to keep yourself in la la land and the terror at the low sweat stage. One of mine was an absessed crown that got replaced by a titanium screw (5 years and still unfinished). I listened to the radio and did my best to ignore what the dentist was up to. And I was on the gas too. No jury in the land wouldn’t be sympathetic especially if they’ve had their wisdom teeth pulled.
I have a big pile of medical bills that I haven’t paid because either they aren’t billed through insurance properly or instructions weren’t followed.
Actually, I didn’t speak with the dentist. There wasn’t any time. He comes in, does the job, and leaves lickity-split. In that regard, he could greatly improve his bedside manner. But, he is quick; I was only in there for an hour, and that includes prep time, numbing, et al.
I was told that I could pay as little as $50 per month to pay off what I owe. I haven’t made a payment yet. ;)
I just needed to vent a little. Thanks.
It is fantastic. When podria to be ready to unload the castle of Paris? Gustaria to do it and it to be given to my girlfriend
hey there when will your paris sleeping beauty castle be ready for download i would love to make it with my daughter
I’ve been watching this for a long time. I can’t wait. I plug your site on Mousetalgia.com whenever I can. Hope you don’t mind. I love that my 2 hobbies combine: Models and Disney.
I LOVE Mousetalgia!
Kudos to you for all the work you put into this. I’m looking forward to trying my hand at the Cinderella castle!
Cool beans, looking forward to the final product!
Way cool! This is the most amazing papermodel I ever saw. I hope it will be released soon.