More than Just Wallpaper

Ever feel like getting creative? Well, the wallpapers are more than just for decorating your computer’s desktop if you have a little imagination.
Many of the newer wallpapers are in high resolution, so they can be printed at a fairly large size. I use my wallpapers to create custom mouse pads (fullscreen wallpapers work best). Using my inkjet printer, I printed the images onto iron-on fabric sheets, ironed them onto blank mouse pads from Staples, and viola! I have my own custom mouse pads.
The type of fabric that I like to use is JuneTailor Iron-on Quick Fuse fabric sheets. It has a wonderful texture, and it’s very easy to work with. After a year of accumulating dirt and water stains, I decided to replace my Donald Duck pad with the new Star Tours logo. Funny. Now, I want to make more.
If that doesn’t float your boat, try customizing them to fit onto media screens, like I did with my Zune. Or, you can create your own avatars. I’ve seen plenty of those online.
What other ideas can you come up with? Share your project ideas and/or photos.
How about a custom skin for electronics (like a laptop)? Sites like SkinIt let you upload pics if you want to create custom skins!
That’s a good one! I know ZAGG offers custom-printed versions of their skins, which are military-grade that prevent scratches, scruffs, and whatnot. If you look closely, I have a clear version on my Zune.
If anyone wants to go for a personal customized skin, go for it. Share photos. Just don’t re-selling the skins.
I like it!
DE T-shirts come to mind. : ) A couple of years ago I made a set of personal artwork iron-ons for a canvas tote bag. Of course my DE pin goes everywhere my purse goes. : ) But it’s funny you should mention wallpapers. Ever since you put it up I’ve been thinking the “haunted castle” logo would make a great wallpaper! : )