Moatfront Property for Sale

In December, 2005, Dan Howland recreated a scene from what is known as the Yippie Invasion (August 6, 1970). He created scale card stock riot cops to place in front of his build of the Sleeping Beauty Castle paper model (version 1).You can read more about the Yippie Invasion over at Danny’s Land.
Well, Dan is finally selling off his castle build, complete with riot cops, a cigarette-smoking Walt, “clay rocks, wire trees and ivy made of lichen.” It won “Best of Show” at the Multnomah County Fair, and was featured on Boing Boing. The price tag . . . how about $150? Want it shipped? That will cost an extra $500!
I can see justifying the price tag. It takes a lot of time, patience, and materials to build something like that. And, $150 is a reasonable price. But, the shipping is astronomical—or “absurdly high” as Dan puts it. He would rather sell it to someone in the Portland, OR region and deliver it in person for a nominal fee (or the buyer can pick it up). Having experience in shipping paper models before, I can say that it doesn’t cost too much—certainly not in the three-digit range. The trouble is packing it and preventing damage. The postal service is not gentle, so you definitely want insurance. It’s a nightmare!
Typically, I am strict on folks selling my models. But, I’ve always been far more lenient about selling completed models. Your time and materials are worth something, right? Furthermore, Dan goes the extra mile, giving me design credit and letting potential buyers know that they can build their own for free right here (link included). Now that’s how it’s properly done. Thanks, Dan!
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The posts at Danny’s make for the coolest thing I’ve ever read. There is loads of material there. I think the event could be made into a movie. I would be rooting for and laughing at all parties involved.