Make Your Own Disneyland Ticket Book

It’s hard to come by a Disneyland ticket book in good condition, and it’s even harder to find one that is complete. But, now you can make your own mint-condition ticket book! Print it out and put it together. Can you fool your friends?
The purpose is to have something fun to play with or put on display. The book comes with park admission and 10 coupons for discovering Disneyland adventures. The Globe ticket logo is everywhere, and every sheet is printed on both sides – refer to your printer’s manual to learn how to do double-sided printing. There are even fake perforation lines on every ticket to complete the illusion.
It’s not a perfect replica, but it’s a nice one. The inconsistencies will help deter unsavory characters from passing these off as legitimate ticket books online.
Oh, and happy Independence Day! We’re sure you’ll agree that nothing says “America” quite like Disneyland.
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LOVE this papercraft! Mine turned out great. I love the easter egg in the serial number.
I may just have to hand these out as souvenirs to the kids who come to see my layout during the holidays!
The PDF has been fixed thanks to Mike Bounds’ help over on Facebook.
sadly i cant get it to download tried both google chrome and safari, any ideas?
If it’s not loading in your browser, right-click on the download button and choose “save file as.” Our browser had problems, too. We’re looking into how to fix that. Maybe the file is too big.