Look Who’s Comin’ Down the Track . . . Again

Becky submitted a G-scale version of the Casey Junior Station, and I finally got around to uploading it.
June and July have been busy for me. Lots of personal surprises have popped up out of nowhere, and they’ve not all been pleasant. I have, indeed, started designing the new site design, but it went straight to the back burner after a few days. I’m itching to get back to it, especially since a new Halloween layover will have to be created and finished in time for September.
One thing at a time. We’ll get there.
The other version is in O, not scale but approximately because I’m using an out of scale Lionel General for the DLRR. If you reduce that one the graphics should be a bit crisper than reducing the G scale version by 75%.
I’m going to have to reduce this down to HO scale…at least until I get my garden railroad (with the Walt Disney World large-scale train) up and running next year!