Kick Off Halloween With Haunted Mansion 3D Printables

The haunting season is upon us! Break out your 3D printer and print a Haunted Mansion gate plaque to grace your tomb sweet tomb.
There are two versions of the plaque available. The free version was created using photogrammetry, a method of creating 3D objects using many photographs. The photos were taken by Victor Vazquez during a vacation trip to Walt Disney World.
The paid version is far more detailed, but it is not an exact duplicate of the iconic gate plaque. Still, it screams “Haunted Mansion,” and it is worth every penny! I printed one for my Disneyland shelf.
As you can see, the plaque came out looking great! I drilled a small hole in the back, and I used a wire ornament hanger display to suspend it in mid-air. This was also my first time using Rub’n’Buff (antique gold); it really made the “bronze” pop.
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