Jack’s Back; 3 Paper Models (and more) Return in Time for Halloween!

The works of other artists come and go as websites shut down or move. We’re always on the look-out for these changes so that we can update our links whenever we can. Today, we are happy to announce that several of Paper Juke’s models have returned just in time for Halloween, including the ever-popular life-size Jack Skellington. These make great Halloween decorations!
Other Paper Juke models include: Captain America, Iron Man Bust, Black Suit Spider-Man Bust, Spider-Man Bust, and the Elsa Bust.
In other news, we’ve been hard at work on this year’s trick-or-treat (October 25-31) download . . . and, boy has it been a nightmare! Mistakes are aplenty, nothing wants to work like it should, and several parts have had to be redesigned multiple times. But, we’re sticking to our guns, and Trader Sam is not giving up. As we speak, photos are being taken for the illustrated instructions.