It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Halloween

Well, okay, it’s all in my head. But, the bats are definitely flying around in the bellfry! It’s July, and that means it’s time to start working on the Halloween treats and spooky website overlay. Again, the Disney Experience will be participating in the Doorless Chambers event.
Doorless Chambers has a few new participants this year, like artist David Occhino. Anyone can join the Neighborhood (give out treats) through September 27. Of course, trick-or-treating is free to everyone, and runs from October 25 through 31.
Robert Nava (aka Trader Sam) is the owner and operator of Doorless Chambers. This is being disclosed in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
My family and I are looking forward to this year, particularly since this is the Mansion’s 40th! We came across this whole shebang last year and we thoroughly enjoyed it! Happy Haunts!
I really enjoyed the stretching Painting card from last year and made enough to give all the folks in my work group as a Halloween Greeting. The folks that said something really enjoyed it. One guy, Gregg, still has it on his desk. He really enjoys Halloween.
Yes, the stretching portrait cards were designed by Ray Keim over at Haunted Dimensions. They were certainly awesome. Let’s hope that Ray signs up again this year.
I’m also looking forward to David Occhino‘s entry. He won’t tell me what it is yet, but he’ll have to by mid-October.
I went over to his site and was also very impressed. I only looked at a few fonts on the site. Very nice!
I will also be excited about what he will be bring to Haunted Diminson. Happy 4th!