Beginning the Disneyland Paris Sleeping Beauty Castle Paper Model

It’s finally begun, but I’m taking my time. Since I don’t have any elevation plans, I have to do this from many reference photos, hoping to get the shapes and sizes just right.
As the model progresses, I may require some help from anyone who may be visiting the park and are willing to take some reference shots for me. I’m still digging through hundreds of photos online, so I might get what I want on my own. We’ll see. In the meantime, here is a list of items that I will need in the future for artwork:
plaque above castle entrance- external locations of the stained glass story windows
oval windows (front & back views if different) on the top-most tower
Hi-res shots are preferred, but every photo helps.
Excellent! Not only is that a beautiful model, but I found some castle details that I’ve been looking for. What a wonderful find! Thank-you.
Wow!!! I can’t wait for this models, I’m sure It will be awesome like the rest of them, great job!! when this will be finished??
Thanks. I’m not really sure when it will be done; maybe a month or two? Some areas are tricky, and I’m taking my time. I’ve got the bulk of the castle finished, but there’s still plenty to do.
I have more videos and images, but I’m not sure I want to release them just yet. I was going to hold onto them until the model was finished (or nearly finished), but I know how much fun it is to watch something progress.
I’ve now released all of the new images and videos for everyone’s viewing pleasure.
Thanks to Jerome, I now have the plaque (which is beautiful) and the top-most tower window design. He also sent a rear elevation plan, which will help out tremendously, and hi-res shots of the stained glass story windows!
Now, I only need to figure out where each window goes in relation to the castle’s exterior. The big ones are easy. The smaller ones are a little trickier, especially since I think a couple of them are not visible from the outside.
Recreating each window in Photoshop will be a daunting task, but well worth it. In the final model, I will also provide separate windows that can be printed onto vellum or transparencies for internal lighting.
I can’t wait! The video is just over a minute. How much “real time” does it represent?
Hmmm . . . it’s probably 2-3 hours; there’s footage that I cut out.