Hauntings Around the Globe

Thanks to Bruno’s translations, the Escape from the Haunted Mansion board game now has Portuguese game play instructions. Bruno was VERY thorough, translating every bit of text on both the instructions and the Fortune Cards (translations coming soon). For this translation, I was able to create both Portuguese game logos and a Disney Experience logo. Neat!
The Portuguese Fortune Cards are now online, along with blank Fortune Card images (English & Portuguese) for your editing pleasure.
Bruno also pointed out a flaw on one of the Fortune Cards that you should take note of. In the very last download (Game Parts #12), on the very last set of Fortune Cards (hmgame_59.pdf), the card labeled ‘Lucky Charm’ should say:
“Madame Leota gives you a powerful charm.
When you draw a Fortune Card, play this card to protect you from any penalties.
—Keep this card.—“
The card has been corrected in the download, but you can simply write in the last line on your own card.
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