Glorious Guest-submitted Art

Oh my gosh, it’s finally happened! The Earth has been thrown off of its axis! Dogs and cats are getting along! The dead are rising from their graves, and pigs are flying! We have a Fan Board update without a submission from Becky!
Just kidding, Becky. You’ll probably get back at me by inundating my inbox with dozens of submissions. I look forward to it.
So many great submissions come from all over the world, but we never know where. I know some come from places like the Netherlands, Brazil, and Belgium, but where else? Well, now you can let us all know! There is now a text box on the Fan Board submission form to fill in. So, the next time that you submit something, be sure to fill it in, won’t you?
Let’s just play like Harry Potter and call it “the model that must not be named.”
Attention all planets of the solar federation….Attention all planets of the solar federation….Attention all planets of the solar federation….
We have assumed control…We have assumed control…We have assumed control….
Please stand by……
Uh . . . okay. I think someone has something up her sleeve, or is about to share something new. I’d better check my email.
Some mice must have invaded my brain or something. That’s all. Otherwise I should be locked up in a rubber room for trying to build this thing again…..
P.S. while y’all were sleeping…it started to rise up again from the assorted debris of my prototype.
Oh, Ha…ha..:)- thbt thbt thbt lol
Lately I’ve been busy repairing/revamping my guitars and amplifiers and haven’t been too disneyeeeeee. Been spending a lot of money updating my CD collection too. Getting back to doing things I used to do I guess. Middle-age thing? I’m a RUSH girl. Before that I doubled my paper rocket collection (especially old soviet) to the point I now need my own museum! lol I can send pics of that stuff I suppose….
The only Dis related work I’ve done recently was a small dancing Mickey toy that didn’t turn out too good. It’s a simple concept, but the construction got so complicated that it ended up being rediculous.
I also started diddling again on the Manga series I’ve had in the works for 5 years. It’s all based in Thailand which is unusual for the Manga/Anime universe. Lots of Thai mythology and ancient Hindu stuff combined with fighting mecha and xeno-techno-change-ophobics.
Maybe I’ll get back to work on that theme park I started designing too. It’s not the one you know about. This one celebrates accuisitions the company has made in more recent years (decades). I don’t want to say too much because that old map of mine from the 80’s was shown to too many people who ended up working for the company. Hmmm..rollercoaster inside mount everest…wonder where I’ve heard that before…
Anyhoo. When I get any great ideas in the Dis realm you’ll be the first to know! ;)-
But Becky, (said with a little wine in my voice) We are all waiting for the Cinderella Castle Paper Model. How is that coming?
OK, version 5.0…or is it 6?
Not at all. That’s the best way to sum it all up. I haven’t worked on it in so long I don’t remember. The last time I did, I decided it wouldn’t work as is and made the painful realization that I’d have to start all over from scratch. And since other issues have taken up most of my time, (Christmas toys for children) I haven’t restarted the project and don’t know when I will.
To help you understand my decision, here are a few of the problems I encountered.
1: It’s too big to display.
2: Not enough detail.
3: Not enough source material (photos, drawings, etc.)
4: Too complicated for anyone to simply print and build. i.e. has too much internal bracing made from heavy cardboard, foamcore board and/or balsa wood.
5: No way to get it out to the net except maybe, (and we haven’t even talked about this yet) maybe, a limited run here.
6: It won’t get worked on till I get my Snow White’s Castle model finished. That model uses several Cinderella’s Castle textures as a sort of “proof of concept” and that project has made it even more obvious to me that I need to change everything fundimentally.
But most importantly, I just haven’t had the will. Without that, the work suffers.
Oh, I understand. There have been many times where my projects have taken the backseat to something else, and eventually ignored. It’s hard to get back into it. That’s why I don’t have any photos of the Tower of Terror paper model. I just haven’t built a new one since the old one collapsed (never use rubber cement!), and that was many years ago. That’s also why I haven’t worked on the Mark VII Monorail or the Disneyland Paris: Sleeping Beauty Castle. Well, that, and I’m pretty busy with other things right now. Remember: this is a hobby.
After the holidays, it’s hard for me to get back to my normal routine. I spend so much time with seasonal family events, that I have little time to hop onto my computer. It’s actually very nice to take a break for a while. Before I know it, I go days without even thinking of using it. And, I get so used to that new routine, that I consciously find reasons not to use my computer, or I only quickly check my email. But, I eventually find something to do, and viola! I can’t be pried from my technological wonder.
The best advise that I can give you, Becky, is just to jump right back into it at some point. Leaving it sitting in the back of your mind only reinforces your desire not to do anything. I do it all of the time. I’m doing it right now. I find that if I just start working on something again, my interest in it quickly gains momentum. Before I know it, it’s either finished, or I’ve completed a big chunk of it.
The other option would be to scrap the entire project. Throw away the parts you have assembled (I give mine an honorable death in the fireplace), and delete the files. Otherwise, it will sit in the corner of your mind like a poison, festering and bubbling.
By the way, have you seen these:
WDW castle south elevation
WDW castle east elevation
WDW castle roof plan
I’ll go check those out right now! Truth be told, I have been kinda listless and looking for something to do lately. The bain of my existence since Christmas has been a little silver box with dual screens made by the Nintendo corporation. And lately it’s Tom Clancy’s Endwar that seems to fill my waking hours.
Ah, yes! My folks are intimately familiar with that little silver box and all of its predecessors. Personally, I no longer have time for games other than the occasional Pirates of the Caribbean: Online. I wish I had the time.
Just out of curiosity, what do you consider to be “too big to display?” What kind of dimensions are we talking about here?
Also, consider that images can be shrunken. Folks do it to my models all of the time. There are some hardcore builders out there who have to shrink them down because they have SO many. Some just like the challenge of building tiny models.
I also recommend creating PDF files. That way you can combine several pages into a single file, printed scale can be better controlled (by you and the end-user), and you can use higher resolutions for your graphics. I suggest checking out PrimoPDF.
Large…like, need the kitchen table kinda large. Large…like, has to have detachable parts to fit through a doorway. Like 16 inches to the top of the base level towers, and probably another 20 inches from there to the top of the highest spire. Like probably close to 3 foot round at the base by the time I add the bridge and courtyard area.
Can’t reach the detail threshold or the structural strength I’m after any smaller. Will use layers to create real shadow lines which means a lot of knifework. Also, some parts were specific to the sizes of hole punches I have in stock.
The tunnel is the same size as on your SB by the way. That was the only starting measurement I used.
Wow. Yeah, that’s pretty big.
Sorry, should be (said with a litte *whine* in my voice)
Either way, it’s funny!