Ghosts of Inspiration Past

I have many board games, and I like to keep an inventory. I even print out index cards with images, descriptions, and other pertinent information so that visiting family members can sift through the selection and make a better decision.
While updating my inventory last night, I came across one of my first loves: Battle at Sarlacc’s Pit. I remember seeing it high on a shelf and begging my mom to buy it for me. It took some convincing, but I finally got it. My mom was strapped for money at the time, so I know it was hard for her to cave in. I knew this; it was selfish, and I’m still ashamed of it. But, some good did come from it.
Battle at Sarlacc’s Pit introduced me to a whole new level of board games. Until then, all I had known was the typical flat board. But, this game was three-dimensional! Better yet, it was very interactive: you move along Jabba’s sail barge, knocking Gamorrean guards to their doom, below. Even when I wasn’t playing the game, I’d set it up and feed other toys to the Sarlacc beast. Oh, what fun!
Sure, I had seen 3-D board games on television and in the stores (i.e. Mousetrap), but I had never owned one. That wasn’t my last 3-D game, and I continue to look for such innovations in future games.
Several years ago, I came across images of a 1972 Haunted Mansion game. Being a Haunted Mansion fan, I fell in love. I even considered buying one from eBay, but the chances of finding a complete set in good condition is slim . . . and expensive.
In 2008, I had had enough, and I took matters into my own hands. Since I will probably never afford to buy one, I decided to design my own Haunted Mansion game. I’d do it my way, the way I like it, with my own rules, and I’d make it free so that anyone can enjoy it!
Inspiration can come from anywhere.
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I used to have the Haunted Mansion game when I was a kid, and I STILL kick my self in the rear for not taking better care of it. It eventually ended up being tossed out in the garbage because a number of pieces were missing and the game board was torn. If only I had known….. BUT, I did download your version of the Haunted Mansion game, and I will say that it is just as good if not better than the original.