Foul Weather Sets Ship Off-Course

I had to fix a slight snaffu with the Treasures of the Caribbean contest. In order for participants to rank all of the prizes, there had to be a set number of prizes to choose from. So, I spent some time yesterday to finalize the prize list.
Now, the list contains prizes that have yet to be secured (but I’ll try my very best to get them). It’s easier to remove an item than it is to add, which would require re-submitting entries, folks missing out on prizes that they’d rather have, etcetera. It’d be a big mess!
I’d like to thank Disneyana.com for offering some of the prizes. They have some hard-to-find pirate items that are not listed on their store, and they were graciously willing to part with.
Has anyone nailed it yet? I don’t know half the answers and probably more. I’m not that “piratey” I guess.
I haven’t begun sorting the entries yet. Too busy. But, they’re sitting safely in my inbox.
The CD-ROM and souvenir book are on their way. The only thing left is the Pokitpal box.
So far, the only prizes not yet secured are the VR CD-ROM, the POTC souvenir book, and the Pokitpal box.