Doorless Chambers, 2014

Once again, the Disney Experience will be participating in this year’s Doorless Chambers event—exactly 3 months from today!
The online trick-or-treating is free for everyone, but you have to join the Neighborhood if you want to give out your own treats. The DEADline for sign-up is October 15, 2014, and they’re aiming for approximately 30 Neighborhood members this year . . . if not more. That’s at least 30 downloadable Halloween-themed goodies!
If you have a website, and you’re interested in participating (or you know a website that may be interested), go see what Doorless Chambers is all about. There are even badges, banners, and logos that you can download and use.
Robert Nava (aka Trader Sam) is the owner and operator of Doorless Chambers. This is being disclosed in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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