Craft Tip: Make Your Own Micro Glue Applicator

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 The Disney Experience  |  November 5, 2020

If you’re a modeler or crafter, you’re in luck today! Learn how to make your own micro glue applicators for getting glue into small spaces. This works really well for paper models and paper crafts.

While browsing the Internet tubes, we came across an interesting tool called the Glue Looper. The Glue Looper fits into the end of most hobby craft knives (i.e. X-Acto knives), and it has a tiny, looped reservoir tip for holding glue.

Loaded up, the glue-filled tip can be inserted into small spaces where normal fingers and tools can’t reach. Neat! But, then we wondered if anyone could make their own micro glue applicator at home.

We tried it, and here’s how you can make your own.

Make It!

Start by using a wire stripped from a twist tie, scraping one side of the twist tie with either a craft knife or the blade on a pair of scissors. The wire should pop free.

Stripping the Wire from a Twist Tie


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If you don’t have twist ties—most homes/kitchens have them—you can buy a spool of wire. It’s important to use very thin wire so that it can fit into the tiny gaps of your crafts.

Next, you will need a tiny, cylindrical object to wrap one end of the wire around—toothpicks work well. Make sure that the loop is very small.

Looping the End of the Wire Around an Object

Looped End of the Wire


Using a pair of wire cutters, trim off the excess wire and flatten it so that it makes a solid loop.

Trimming the Wire Loop


You may have to use tweezers to bend the loop into shape.

Completed Micro Glue Applicator


Depending on the size of your loop, it can handle thin glues/cements (smaller loops work best), and/or it can handle thick glues like Elmer’s. Experiment with different loop sizes.

Glue Trapped Inside the Loop

Double-Ended Micro Glue Applicator


Insert the loop into the desired space, and spread the glue around.

Applying the Glue Within Tight Spaces

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