“Build Sleeping Beauty Castle:” The Build

During the week, I decided to assemble my own copy of the “Build Sleeping Beauty Castle” paper model kit. It’s quite nice, and it’s very compact. I even don’t mind all of the gold. However, I discovered a few tips that will make assembling your own castle just a little bit easier.
The instructions are pretty good until you start approaching the end. There are some mis-labeled parts, so keep a sharp eye out. The physical parts are labeled correctly; the problem is the instructions/illustrations.
When it comes time to install the push-button, don’t use white glue. For better adhesion and stability, use a hot glue gun. Feel free to use quite a bit to make the button stable!
The instructions say to tie pieces of string to the LED lights to pull them through the towers and holes. That works just fine until you try to pull the LEDs through the final holes, which they won’t do without some help. Use a toothpick, long pin/needle, or unfolded paper clip to work the LEDs out. I found that using the pointy tool to push down on the string WHILE I pull up on the string straightens the LEDs up enough to grab them with tweezers.
The LED at the very front of the castle doesn’t need string; you can use your hands to push the LED through the hole. And, because the hole is much smaller than the others, you don’t need a ring to secure it (but a little dab of hot glue wouldn’t hurt).
For the banners and flags, the kit comes with parts that you’re supposed to roll to create polls. This will be horribly difficult to do considering how narrow the thick card stock needs to be rolled. Fortunately, the instructions say you can use rounded toothpicks instead. They happen to be just the right diameter and makes construction WAY easier. Faster, too!
Don’t forget that you can win your own copy in this month’s giveaway. Click here to learn more.
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Hi. My instructions don’t indicate where that front light goes. Is it INSIDE that main tower? It looks nice where you put it, wherever you have it.
It goes outside, right below the front window.
Oh, I see it now! Thanks a million!
I know you’ve probably already given your copy of the castle away, but my four year old grand daughter would LOVE something like this (once it’s put together of course!). I haven’t a clue where to find one though. Any chance you could tell me where I could pick one up?? I would love to put one together, if not for Christmas, then her next birthday would be perfect. I really don’t like purchasing things on the internet if I can help it, but will if I have to. We are planning to take her and the rest of the grandchildren to Disneyland next year, so this would be a fantastic build up to the trip too. Thanks in advance.
If you can find one, your local book store should be able to order one for you (you’ll save on shipping, too), and you just buy it from them when it comes in.
You can also order it online from Barnes & Noble. Amazon also sells it as a .
I don’t know if they are sold in the parks or in other stores aside from physical Barnes & Noble stores.