Back from the Depths

I was going through the website today, looking for any broken/mis-matched links. That’s when I came to discover that Uhu02’s Black Pearl paper model is available to the public! Oh, happy day! It had been previously kept private (except for those of us who knew how to access it) due to pirate activity (ironic!). Hopefully, that will make up for the long-overdue Disneyland pirate ship videos.
I am looking into new screen capture software right now. The one I was using (VLC) only recorded video, so I had to record audio separately. Of course, the two never wanted to play nice and sync up during editing. I did find another piece of software (CamStudio) that records both, but the quality isn’t nearly as good. I may have to look into paid software, but they can be expensive. Sit tight.
Anyone know if there’s a clear step by step guide or video on how to put this ship together? If so, can you leave a link please
I guess the only question on the paper model of The Black Pearl is, where can we get it? Didn’t see any links in the article. I have the other one from inside the ride, and this one would make a nice companion piece.
I did find it on your Paper Model page. Too bad all the writing is in Japanese or some other Asian Language so there seems to be no Instruction sheet in English.
Well, it seems that you caught another goof of mine. Thanks for being attentive.
Is there any clear instructions or video on how to put this together?
There are a series of links at the bottom of the post that show the making of the model. Those might help.
Sorry for the late reply. The email notice of your comment got chucked into the spam folder.