A Chill Is in the Air

Although it’s summer, a chill is wafting in the air. All Hallows’ Eve is just around the bend, and the Haunted Experience is going to surprise you with an early debut next month (no date set yet). Why the expanded time frame? Well, there will be a special monthly giveaway sponsored by another website, and we both want to get the prizes to the winners in time for Halloween.
So, save those coins, and be prepared to make a minimum $2 donation(s) next month to be entered into the drawing. Keep an eye out for news updates for details.
Details are still being worked out, but I am trying to get the sponsor to ship overseas. More information will be updated on this post soon.
The Haunted Experience will debut on September 1, lasting through October 31. The monthly giveaway will be from September 1-30, and winners will be announced on October 1.
Sadly, the sponsor cannot ship prizes outside of the United States. Due to both customs and the long shipping time, delivery cannot be guaranteed before Halloween (or your Halloween party). Maybe we can dig up something special just for our international Guests.
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