5 Video Tutorials to Make Your Own “Nightmare Before Christmas” Props

With Halloween only a few weeks away, you will want to get an early start on your homemade props. Surely, one of these “Nightmare Before Christmas” video tutorials will light a flame beneath your cauldron. Although there are 5 videos, there are actually 7 props to make. You’ll also need tools and supplies aplenty—a crafty/artistic talent also couldn’t hurt, but is by no means a requirement.
1. Zero’s Tombstone
Go to your local hardware store and grab some foam sheets for this project. In the end, Zero’s tombstone will be almost as light as Zero himself!
2. Countdown Clock
This clock is doubly nice since it can be used to count down the days to Halloween and Christmas.
3. Vampire Teddy Bear
This fella may not be very plush, but would you really want to cuddle up to a vampire teddy bear?
4. Jack-O’-Lantern In a Box
While not a functional jack-in-the-box, it sure is a neat decoration.
5. Sally’s Ingredient Jars
This project is a 3-in-1. Make Sally’s 3 ingredient jars: Deadly Night Shade, Worms Wort, and Frog’s Breath.
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