2019 Holiday Support Drive

At this time of year, we do an annual Holiday Support Drive to help either fill in financial gaps or get a head-start on the new year. Your donations go t
oward (but are not limited to) the monthly operating costs of the Disney Experience, upgrading equipment, new hardware & software, replenishing supplies/stock, giveaways, and more. Most of all, it keeps everything FREE for everyone, and with your continued support, we can make sure that this site doesn’t suffer the same fate as other awesome Disney fan sites. We love this website, and we don’t want it to ever go away. We love what we do, and we love you, our guests.
We deeply appreciate all of your donations, and we thank all of you who have helped support the Disney Experience over the years. Without you, we certainly wouldn’t have been able to go on as long as we have (20 years!). Some of you have been very generous in the past, and it’s been unbelievable.
2019 Earnings
Because we have to put forth the majority of the costs from our own pocket, we have to use a good portion of our time earning the extra money that keeps this website going. That gives us far less time to spend creating content for you. But, with your help, we can shift our focus toward creating and doing cool new things!
Ads are another source of revenue for the website, albeit a much smaller portion. The rise of ad blockers has been a threat, and our ad revenue has seriously declined. We know how annoying ads can be, and how they can be taken too far. But, they are important to content producers like us: they help keep the lights on, and they help keep everything that we do free. If you have either an ad blocker or an anti-tracker installed (or built-in) in any browser, please consider unblocking us.
Thank-you, again, and may your days be merry and bright!
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