Mickey Mouse Puppet (cleaned & restored)

Assemble this fun little Mickey Mouse puppet, cleaned and restored for your enjoyment. It was part of a 1950s ad campaign for NBC bread. The pieces were originally die cut, but those lines have been replaced by clean vector lines. Print on card stock and cut out the pieces with a craft/hobby knife.
It’s fun to analyze old paper toys like this one. It’s hard to believe that such a simple device could produce so much animation. And, it all fits on a single sheet – complete with instructions. How awesome is that?
Now, although glue isn’t required, it is certainly recommended. Glue tabs W, X, Y, & Z so that the whole back of the Control Piece doesn’t work its way off. Also, the Key that is inserted through the Lock Piece falls out easily. A tiny dab of glue should be used to stick it to the Arms. That will keep it in position while still letting the Control Piece slide up and down.
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