12th Anniversary

October marks the anniversary of the Disney Experience. Can you believe that it has been twelve years? And, this is the tenth year of the Haunted Experience. Where has the time gone?
To celebrate, we’re slashing the cost of the logo pin to $7. This special price* will only be valid throughout the month of October, so grab one quickly.
And, congratulations to the winners of last month’s giveaways! Unfortunately, there were no international entries, so those prizes will get locked away for another time. That said, the two winners of the Halloween Costumes giveaway are: Margaret Kozick & John Douglas. Check your email, soon, for details on how to claim your prizes.
*All last month, one of the donation ads incorrectly displayed the words “Limited time anniversary price!” for the regularly-priced $10 pins. If you bought a pin thinking that the price was going up, I sincerely apologize for the confusion.
Congratulations to the winners!