Mouse Cursors
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Let a Disney character point you in the right direction. Replace your computer's standard mouse cursor with a Disney mouse cursor. Scroll to the bottom of the page to learn how to install and use them.
Space Mountain Logo
Sorcerer's Apprentice
Tinker Bell
Magic Lamp
Benny the Cab
Mickey Mouse
Slave in the Magic Mirror
Maleficent's Staff
Partners Statue
Partners Statue
Blue Fairy
Cheshire Cat
Atlantean Crystal Set
Hunny Pots
Installing and Using Mouse Cursors
Windows 10
To change the mouse cursors, follow these steps:
- Right-click on the Desktop.
- Choose Personalize.
- Select Themes form the left side menu.
- Press Mouse Pointer Settings. A pop-up window will appear.
- Select the Pointers tab.
- Choose the cursor that you want to change, and click Browse.
- Locate the folder that contains the cursos that you downloaded.
- Choose the cursor that you want to use, and press Open.
- Repeat steps 5-7 for all of the cursors that you want to change.
- To save the cursor settings, click Save As. Type a name and click OK.
- Press OK in all of the open windows.
Windows 8
To change the mouse cursors, follow these steps:
- Right-click on the Desktop.
- Choose Personalize.
- Press Change Mouse Pointers.
- Select the Pointers tab.
- Choose the cursor that you want to change, and click Browse.
- Locate the folder that contains the cursos that you downloaded.
- Choose the cursor that you want to use, and press Open.
- Repeat steps 5-7 for all of the cursors that you want to change.
- To save the cursor settings, click Save As. Type a name and click OK.
- Press OK in all of the open windows.
Windows 7
To change the mouse cursors, follow these steps:
- Right-click on the Desktop.
- Choose Personalize.
- Press Change Mouse Pointers.
- Choose the cursor that you want to change, and click Browse.
- Locate the folder that contains the cursos that you downloaded.
- Choose the cursor that you want to use, and press Open.
- Repeat steps 4-6 for all of the cursors that you want to change.
- To save the cursor settings, click Save As. Type a name and click OK.
- Press OK in all of the open windows.
Windows Vista
To change the mouse cursors, follow these steps:
- Download & unzip the file.
- Save the cursor in a permanent location.
- Press the Start button.
- Choose Control Panel.
- Choose Hardware.
- Choose Mouse.
- Choose the Pointers tab.
- Choose which pointer you wish to change, and press Browse.
- Locate the folder that contains the cursor you downloaded.
- Choose the cursor that you want to use, and press Open.
Windows XP
To change the mouse cursors, follow these steps:
- Download & unzip the file.
- Save the cursor in a permanent location.
- Press the Start button.
- Choose Control Panel.
- Choose Appearance and Themes.
- On the far left menu, choose Mouse Pointers.
- Choose the Pointers tab.
- Choose which pointer you wish to change, and press Browse.
- Locate the folder that contains the cursor you downloaded.
- Choose the cursor that you want to use, and press Open
Windows '95 w/Plus!, Windows '98, 2000, ME, NT
To change the mouse cursors, follow these steps:
- Download & unzip the file.
- Save the cursor in a permanent location.
- Press the Start button.
- Choose Settings.
- Choose Control Panel.
- Choose Mouse.
- Choose the Pointers tab.
- Choose which pointer you wish to change, and press Browse.
- Locate the folder that contains the cursor you downloaded.
- Choose the cursor that you want to use, and press OK.